The role of a general insurance company is to protect customers from risk, from the “entrance” (insurance underwriting) to the “exit” (insurance payout). If the department in charge of the “entrance” is the Operation Department, then the department in charge of the “exit” is the Claims Department. The Claims Department brings to reality the invisible product of insurance. It upholds the core function of general insurance. The Claims Department are professionals at dealing with accidents. They work hard to find solutions to accidents and disasters, and ultimately through insurance payouts, continue to deliver peace of mind to customers.


General insurance professionals

The time when customers can feel the value of insurance is when there is an accident. As insurance is an intangible product when there is an accident is the time when humanity of the Claims Department employees is most tested.
The Claims Department works hard to bring solutions to accidents or disasters, and ultimately through insurance payouts fulfill the role of providing safety and security to customers. More specifically, the Claims Department is responsible for the process from accident reporting until insurance payout, coordination with people involved in the accident, the other party’s insurance company, lawyers, car repair shops, and medical institutions, and the calculation and assessment of the damages. They also hold the vital role of when there is an accident, to negotiate through discussion with the other party’s insurance company regarding percentage of liability (fault) each party has until a settlement is reached.
The amount of time taken to reach a solution varies greatly depending on the type of accident, and there are cases where reaching a solution takes months or even years. Another important role of the Claims Department is to be on the customers' side, to guide and support them as a partner until resolution.
What is unique about the job of the Claims Department employees, is that they have the contrasting roles of being the person who assesses and makes payouts, as well as being the person who provides reassurance to customers. This means that those in the Claims Department have a lot of responsibility, but they are fighting on the front line with the strong mission to protect and provide peace of mind to customers. The Claims department, as professionals in both general insurance and accident response, with a great deal of knowledge and expertise, support customers until resolution. Not merely just making payouts but continuing to support customers as a partner. The Claims Department brings this AXA vision to life.


Applying your imagination

What is demanded most of the Claims Department employees, is the use of their imagination. This means that no matter what the situation, we have to be able to think from the perspective of the customer. It is vital to precisely understand what the customer is thinking and what they want. To realize the fundamental objecive of “assisting customers in trouble,” to consider the situation from the customers' point of view is vital.
What the customer feels, and requires, is different every time. Even in accidents that seem similar, if the customer is different, then the way to solve the issue will take a completely different path.
In direct business, the primary way of communicating with customers is over the phone. How much you can provide trust and reassurance to a customer when you cannot see their face, and the imagination to try and understand the customers' situation when you cannot see what is going on, is what is being demanded as a service provider.
Also, we provide appropriate advice and services after listening carefully to the customer, sympathizing with their thoughts and feelings, and considering the situation from their perspective. This ability to listen and sympathize, forms the foundation of the imagination that is required to respond to customer needs.
Envisage what the customer is thinking and their situation, then as an insurance company, offer them the optimal solution and show them the way to the resolution of their accident. Together, we find and create the customer’s path forward after their accident.


The future of the claims handing

The automobile insurance industry is facing a period of major transition due to digitalization. New business is being born with the advent of car-sharing services and the shift to self-driving vehicles—the spread of which is predicted to accelerate from hereon. If there is a promulgation of cars that have less chance of accident regardless of the skill of the driver, then customers will be able to live a safer and more peaceful life. Like this, general insurance has to keep pace with the times and continuously change.
With the advances in AI, IoT, and big data, we must create digital communication methods with customers who have a digital mindset, and it is necessary to establish new general insurance services.
We are being demanded to shift to provide customers with information that is customized, personalized, digitalized for them in real-time in the form of peace of mind from the perspective of claims handing. Also, by providing claims services with new value, our goal is to increase our worth as an insurance company.

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